Treatment of Panic Attacks in Oakland (Bay Area)
Panic Attack Symptoms
Everyone who experiences panic attacks has a different combination of physiological sensations. When they begin to fear those sensations, it leads to catastrophic thoughts.
Panic attack sensations are not physically dangerous but they feel frightening.
Interoceptive Exposure Therapy can help.
Heart palpitations
Increased heart rate
Shortness of breath
Chest tightness
Abdominal distress
Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
Derealization (feeling "dream-like")
Depersonalization (detached from self)
Numbness or tingling sensation
Heat flushes
I'm going crazy
I'm losing control
I'm dying
Understanding the Cause and Treatment of Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are sudden episodes of extreme fear that cause intense physical reactions. They occur even though there is no actual danger and often no obvious precipitating event. A panic attack is a misfiring of the body's acute stress response (Fight or Flight) system. If Fight or Flight is triggered when there is no threat present you may assume that there is something wrong (e.g., I'm having a heart attack, I'm going crazy, I'm losing control, etc.). The intensity of the physiological sensations that occur during a panic attack can convince you that you are in danger. This leads to impulsive and unhelpful coping responses that may exacerbate the panic sensations and prolong anxiety.
The good news is that you can learn how to respond more effectively to minimize the impact and frequency of panic attacks. The physiological sensations associated with a panic attack (e.g., sweating, elevated heart rate, shortness of breath) are the same feelings that accompany intense physical exertion, and your body is made to adapt to this kind of stress. The key to overcoming panic attacks is learning how to shift the way you think about, and respond to, your physiological sensations.
Stop Panic Attacks Using CBT, ACT and Interoceptive Exposure Therapy
You can learn to cope effectively with Panic Attacks through a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Interoceptive Exposure Therapy.
Stop panic attacks effectively with evidence-based
Talk Therapy and Exposure Therapy.
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Interoceptive Exposure Therapy for Panic Attacks
Interoceptive Exposure focuses on exposure to internal physiological sensations as opposed to external objects, activities, or situations. Like many people with panic attacks, you may fear the physiological sensations that occur in your body during the attack. Interoceptive Exposure involves purposely bringing on these feared sensations (with gradual intensity) so you can learn how to be more comfortable with them. This helps you to recognize that you are safe when the sensations occur. By practicing with the sensations in a controlled environment, you feel less frightened and more able to manage them.
During a session of Interoceptive Exposure you will identify which physiological sensations you want to work on and I will teach you an exercise that allows you to mimic the sensation. For example, if you feel afraid of tightness in your chest or shortness of breath, I will teach you how to temporarily trigger this sensation. You will then practice modulating the intensity of the sensation until you feel more comfortable experiencing it. This type of exposure will help you gain confidence in your ability to tolerate physiological changes, feel safer in your body, and feel less fearful.
Treatment of Panic Attacks in Oakland, CA
Bay Area Anxiety Therapy's panic disorder therapists help stop panic attacks, panic attacks at night and more from its office in Oakland. Serving San Francisco, Berkeley, San Jose and the entire Bay Area.